I don't think so.

A check list might help!
I finally have ALL my available Christmas stuff in the store.
Even one that got overlooked yesterday, which is the one for the video!
It is in the store! There are prints and greeting cards available for it.
I added stuff to the gallery, including two new pages. One for my Acrylic paintings (more to be added) and a page for Misc art, such as colored pencil, gouache, and the random things I end up making.
I uploaded a bunch of art to Pinterest.
I might add stuff to DeviantArt later, it is not high on my list.
I should update my Facebook Albums also..
There is so much to update! I spend almost 3 hours updating things for every new painting I do.
Writing blog post
New video is available on my Youtube!
It is nice to change up what I paint. This was a lot less "fiddly" than the portrait style paintings I usually do.
Do not forget to subscribe and like!
In order to get a custom URL I need subscribers and likes. If its a huge help when you take that millisecond to click.
I posted to Patreon yesterday, so I do not have to do that today.
If you want to see what I posted you will have to support me on Patreon, even a $1 will unlock early views and secret videos.
Yep, I think that is pretty much everything.
Time to make more art!