A blog post on the scheduled day? How could I!
In all seriousness I just did not have anything to write about. It is challenging to come up with something to write about twice a week.
It would be awesome if you awesome readers could give me a hand.

I am not sure what to write on Mondays. I ran out of motivation for Motivation Monday, and my life is just not interesting enough for me to post about that weekly.
I was thinking about doing product reviews or some simple tutorials.
Maybe a random topic selected from a comment on a previous post, or from Facebook or Instagram?
Ask me a question or give me a suggestion so I can write about that on Mondays!
It gets better!
The person's who question I choose to answer will get free art!
Questions should be art or business related.
Leave a comment or send me an email at carissa at artbycarissac dot com.