I cannot thank everyone that came to Crypticon Seattle enough.
I had a great time!

I signed up to do the show late, and was assigned to the "extra" room. This room was not on the event map and there was no real signage to direct people to the room. Crypticon staff did their best to direct people, one of the vendors (check out his site here) made some signs, and many of the vendors in the main room would direct people to the "bonus vendor room." There was a great effort to make sure that all the vendors in the bonus room were included in the event.

This year I did much better than last year, sales wise. Even not being on the map and in the "bonus room," that got less traffic. I sold two Originals! Graces Escape went to a lovely lady who purchased an original last year, and the Mermaid went to a new customer.
I am so happy to see my art going to happy homes.
I had new products. I had a bunch of note books made for this event. They sold like hot cakes. I will be listing the remaining ones on www.happygothart.com this week.
I also put some art on sale. 'Tis the season for spring cleaning and my art prints are no exception. Make sure you check out the Deals tab in my shop (AbC shop AND HappyGothArt shop.)
I am separating my "creepy" art and "not creepy art." If you like my creepy stuff head over to www.happygothart.com. The site has its own store, social media and contact email.
The "not creepy" pretty and nice things will stay on ArtByCarissaC. As will the blog and news letter. I do pretty terrible at keeping a posting schedule on one blog. It seems overly ambitious to try to manage two blogs and contact lists.
Follow Happy Goth Art on Facebook and Instagram @happygothart. I am having issues creating a HappyGothArt Twitter at the moment. I will get that going as soon as I can. Not that I post much to Twitter.
I am sure I will overlook something in my endeavor to manage two websites and flavors of my art. I am sure I will miss changing an item to a "Sale" item on one of the two sites. Something creepy might still be on ArtbyCarissaC or something not creepy may get added to HappyGothArt. Please let me know so I will fix it.
Thank you again!
I will see you at Crypticon Seattle 2020!