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Writer's pictureCarissa C.


If you have watched my streams or checked out my website on the regular basis, I have been changing things a bit.

The first thing you might notice is a new background. I think that is the most noticeable change. The purple and orange with the black crazy stripes. This new image reflects my mind a lot right now. I have a ton of projects in the works and in the planning stages. Things are just a little crazy.

The new graphic also goes better with the colors I started using last year, Black, Orange, Purple, and a little grey. I still have to redo a lot of the printable marketing things, but those will happen with time.

My plans for this year:

  1. Vend at three to four LARGE events this year. Large being more than a popup market or one-room convention. I already have a table at Crypticon. I have applied for Fremont Summer Solstice Festival and WA SummerCon. I think I can do one more, and I am keeping my eyes peeled. Maybe I can do two or three smaller events instead of 1 large event. I have goals and three to four large ones is a surefire way to get there.

  2. I want to complete at least two large paintings this year. So far I have about three hours into 2ftx3ft oil painting. It is already looking pretty good with just the little bit of work I have put in. I want to get this oil painting done by the end of February. I want it to be ready to sell at Crypticon at the end of May. I have no idea about the 2nd one yet. I just hope it will come to me.

  3. I am trying themes for my streams. This year I want to have more educational content on my streams. To this end, I (and my community) have picked 10 myths to chat about. January was Sasquatch and February is Vampires. I created some kick-butt art for January and it lead to a theme that I plan on carrying through each prompt.

  4. The Adventures of Sir Lemon book is well on its way to being a real thing. Next up is creating a video for crowdfunding. I am working with my spouse on that end. He knows way more about making a good video for crowdfunding than I do.

  5. Website update, already started.

  6. There are four or five other things that I am working on that I cannot share yet. They are just baby projects and the start of plans. They are easy to scare away, so I need to keep them out of the spotlight for a while longer.

Here is the art that came out of January.

The heart one is actually 2. I will get these on clear stickers and acrylic charms. I plan to get the charms to that you can put them together like a friendship bracelet.

The sass-quatch was prompted by a community member... so was the Urkle-squatch. I am going to get the hoodie Sasquatch as a sticker. The Urkle-squatch... I am not sure.

The painting I did for an art auction was a sasquatch lady gardening. I did all kinds of fun fluorescent/blacklight accents to give it a weird look. I enjoy it sooo much!

Many of my current projects use fluorescent paint. It is just to much fun.

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